If you or a loved one has been involved in any type of auto accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident or something similar, you must speak with a top Auto Accident Injury attorney in Athens, GA first – before speaking with insurance companies or their lawyers. Automobile accidents can really mess things up, often injuring the occupants and/or nearby people as well as the vehicles and other property. The cost associated with accidents can be quite high. Before talking about what to do after an accident, pointing out a few things related to car accident injuries would be good.
The extent of injuries is highly dynamic, being that it is dependent on a number of factors such as vehicle speed, weather conditions and so on. Minor accidents will have those involved brushing off the likelihood of injuries (which should not be done by the way).
Not all signs of injury are noticed immediately after an accident. Your body may begin to exhibit some weaknesses after some time, so a keen eye should be given following an auto crash.
What are the known types of injuries?
Injuries to the head, arms, and back
The seated occupants in a car may strike their heads against windows and seats if they are involved in a collision at high speed. The result could be any degree of a traumatic injury to the brain. After such a blow to the head, immediate then long term and extensive medical care is required.
Injuries to the head could be associated with the development of problems with vision and fractures to the skull.
Injuries to the back might damage the spinal cord. Those who suffer from such injuries could experience a drastic reduction of sensations in their legs, feet, and hands. In severe cases, permanent paralysis, where control over most body parts is lost, could occur.
Injuries to the chest and neck

A rear-end collision is likely to induce rapid back and forth movement of the head. This rather common car accident injury is known as whiplash. The injuries from whiplash can cause serious damage to the ligaments and muscles that support the neck.
A number of serious injuries can be blamed for chest trauma. If the blunt force from the car accident is directed upon the chest area, a few ribs may be broken and there may be a case of one or both lungs collapsing. Other complications resulting from an accident include internal bleeding, internal organ damage and cardiac arrest.
These injuries demand for medical attention without delay
What to do and where to get help
If you find yourself in a car accident, try all you can to remain calm despite the high emotions. The things that you do could affect the situation in a number of ways.
Stay at the scene until it is appropriate to leave. When there has been a serious injury or death to an occupant, leaving an accident scene will be considered a hit and run criminal offense.
Do a quick assessment of the status of all occupants and call for medical help for those who need it. Wait for the medical team to move anyone that is seriously injured. In case someone died, notify the police and cooperate with them once they arrive at the scene.
For legal purposes, it is recommended that you do not embrace any responsibility or accept guilt. You can never be sure who was at fault. Be cordial with other drivers involved and get their information where possible.
Get in touch with your insurer for compensation
Disclose that you have been in an accident immediately after it occurs and give details of the extent of your injuries. Remember to contact your employer on the same. Hold on to all medical expense records from the entire period you are receiving medical attention. These will be useful proof for claims.
Since it is difficult to prove pain and suffering from the accident, state how the accident has changed your life. There might be a list of things that you can no longer do or a list of missed work days that can be presented to give more ground to your claim.
There may be some injuries that show up weeks after an accident. Make sure you don’t settle with the insurer until you have established that all injuries have been taken care of.
Getting an attorney
Hire an attorney. They will help you get justice and compensation for your injuries. Attorneys at The Monk Law Firm will provide legal representation for their injured clients in Athens, GA and other surrounding communities.
Do’s and Don’t s In-case of a Personal Injury
Let us help you avert making mistakes commonly made by those who’ve been on the losing end of an accident, caused by other people’s recklessness and product malfunction. There is no reason you should lose out on the monetary compensation because you made mistakes you could have avoided. Awareness is paramount as you should know what you can afford to do and not do as someone who wants to file for compensation via a personal injury claim in Athens, GA. You never know how prepared the other party is to meet your claim. Here’s a list of some Do’s and Don’t s you should follow after you’ve suffered a personal injury –
- Document the scene as best as possible. Take photographs and try to obtain contact information from witnesses.
- Wait for legal enforcement to arrive on the scene or reach out to them to come to investigate the incident.
- Get medically treated for your injuries otherwise, the defense can always cite that the injuries weren’t severe enough to require treatment.
- Seek out legal advice when you/a family member falls victim to negligence by a third party.
- Read up on your rights and become aware of how the existent law can/cannot protect you in your current circumstances.
- Be honest and upfront while recounting the details of the accident that cause your injuries. The defense will try to find discrepancies in your account.
- Report the accident to your insurance company and obtain a copy of this report.
- Get estimates for the property damages caused. If you’ve been in a car accident and your car has been totaled, speak to a mechanic/automobile repair engineer and find out how much you’ll need to shell out to get your car back to its shape. Inform your attorney of this estimate so they can calculate and demand compensation.
- Keep a journal where you note down the incident, what led up to the incident, the aftermath and any other details that you might remember. It will help consolidate your case in court.
- Do gather and keep at hand all necessary documentation like the official incident report, medical bills and any photos you might have taken as evidence at the site.
- Don’t discuss the case with the defendant’s insurance company representative or investigator. If they try to get in touch with you, ask them to leave their details, so your attorney can contact them.
- Don’t sign any release until you’re ready to settle your case. Only consider doing so if your attorney advises you to do it.
- Never settle, at least not till all your symptoms have well disappeared.
- Don’t hesitate to call the police after the accident.
- Don’t hold back information from the medical practitioners treating you for injury after the accident.
- Don’t sign on any document without discussing with your attorney first.
- It’s best not to try to go into negotiations with the guilty party or their insurance agent by yourself. Enlist an experienced attorney instead.
- Refrain from discussing the event with any unnecessary people.
You can claim compensation for personal injury in Athens, GA when you’ve been subject to damages due to the fault, negligence or irresponsibility of another party. You can make a claim for insurance or file a lawsuit against the guilty party and try your case in court. It is prudent to hire an experienced legal attorney to fight your case on your behalf. Apart from that, it is also vital that you follow the Do’s and Don’t s mentioned above, so you do not lose out on any part of the compensation you deserve.
What you need to do after you or a loved one has been involved in a Car Accident with injury or death in Athens, GA
If you or someone you love has been injured, or even killed in a car accident, it is vital that you get professional and knowledgeable help from a law firm that knows how to handle Car Accident Injuries in Athens, GA as well as personal injury cases in Athens, GA. We have been doing this for a long time and know how to advise people on the best course of action. We know when to fight for more, and when to accept an offer. If you accept an offer without legal representation, it may well cost you much more than the attorney would have cost you in the first place.
This is an important time for you and your family. Make sure that you have the information that you need. Reach out to the Monk Law Firm and request a No Cost initial consultation. We will NOT charge you anything out of pocket to represent you. Any fee we earn will come from the settlement that we get for you.
We will always have your best interests at heart. Call or email us today here.